
Improving business and marketing skills of migrant populations to reinforce their access and durability in the labour market


Improving business and marketing skills of migrant populations to reinforce their access and durability in the labour market

International project

Ref.: ES/03/B/F/PP-149126
International project funded by the Erasmus+ Leonardo da Vinci programme, as a pilot project, with a duration of 2 years and a budget of 481,500 Euros.

The main objective was to provide young people and adults from the Roma population, and travellers in general, with training in business and marketing as well as in international trade, all tailored to their needs and interests. In addition, it also focused on improving the professional skills of people in the Roma population working as itinerant traders. The project allowed for the creation of a webpage that was made available to organisations involved in training courses for travellers and people of the Roma population,

in order to share information as well as providing a means of communication. In addition, another result of the project was the creation of a CD-ROM with interactive learning materials on trading for travellers and the Roma population, as well as a training programme to improve professional skills for the business activities in these communities.

The project was carried out by the following partners:

○ IES Ribeira do Louro – Porriño (Spain) – Promoter
○ AtinServices – Asesoramiento, Tecnología e Investigación, S.L. – Ponteareas (Spain) – Coordinator
○ Association for Education and Develoment of Women – Ostrava (Czech Republic)
○ Fundación Secretariado General Gitano – Vigo (Spain)

○ MAGESTIL Escola Profesional – Lisbon (Portugal)
○ Secretariado Diocesano de Lisboa da Obra Nacional para a Promoção e Pastoral dos Ciganos – Lisbon (Portugal)
○ District School Inspactorate – Brasov – Brasov (Romania)
○ Grupul Scolar de Industrie Usoara Brasov – Brasov (Romania)
○ Grup Scolar Industrial “Victor Junga” – Sacele (Romania)
○ OPEDU – Helsinki (Finland)